
Tag: Nationwide Insurance

Can’t Stop Columbus

In this time of consistent change and challenge, we look at how the Columbus community is standing up. Can’t Stop Columbus is a community-wide movement that tries to address some of the problems that have arisen due to the COVID-19 crisis. Co-organizer Mackenzie King joins us to discuss how the organization got started, how they’ve scaled up to 56 projects, and the importance of being authentic in their endeavors.

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The Overcomer Foundation

In Ohio, single parents pay nearly 44% of their income for an infant in a daycare center and nearly 80% for two children (Child Care Aware of America, 2018). The Overcomer Foundation is trying to address that financial burden. This week, Sarah Perez, co-founder and president of the newly formed non-profit discusses their mission and the importance of companies in Columbus giving back.

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