
Tag: Columbus Women’s Commission

Creative & Marketing Agency treetree

How will businesses pivot when things get “back to normal?” Becca Apfelstadt, the co-founder of creative and marketing agency treetree, has a couple of ideas. In this episode, we discuss how the firm got started at a time of change, how they are pivoting in this time of change, and the importance of culture and the role of the office in the impending new normal.

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The Overcomer Foundation

In Ohio, single parents pay nearly 44% of their income for an infant in a daycare center and nearly 80% for two children (Child Care Aware of America, 2018). The Overcomer Foundation is trying to address that financial burden. This week, Sarah Perez, co-founder and president of the newly formed non-profit discusses their mission and the importance of companies in Columbus giving back.

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Mayor Andrew Ginther

They say politicians are only as good as their last election, but after that, they’re already looking towards the next election. After serving 4 years as mayor of Columbus, Andrew Ginther is reflecting on the accomplishments of his first term, but since he’s running unopposed for reelection, now he’s thinking about what to get done in his second term. Ginther sat down with Columbus Underground reporter Lauren Sega to discuss the results of new initiatives, ranging from housing to policing and infant mortality, and what he envisions for the city in the years to come.

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